Quality assurance of electronic components  

Quality assurance of electronic components is essential as it ensures reliability and safety in safety-critical applications. It extends product life, reduces costs through reduced scrap, and builds customer confidence. It ensures compliance with norms and standards, and feedback from quality assurance allows products and processes to be continuously improved. Overall, quality assurance contributes significantly to the success and competitiveness of electronics companies.  

Challenges of materials testing for electronics   

Materials testing of electronics components is a complex process that presents several challenges due to the continuous miniaturization of electronics and associated materials.   

Variety of materials
Complex material composition
Non-destructive testing
Hidden defects
Temperature and environmental conditions:
Cost and time

Typical defect patterns of electronic components  

X-ray inspection can identify solder defects such as incomplete solder joints, solder bridges, solder offsets, or air pockets that can occur during the soldering process.  

X-ray inspection can detect foreign particles, contaminants, or residues on or in components that may have resulted from improper cleaning or processing.  

Delamination is a separation or detachment of layers within a component. X-ray inspection can detect such internal structural problems. 

X-ray inspection can determine if chip components are properly positioned and aligned on the PC

X-ray inspection can ensure that the correct components are placed in the appropriate mounting positions.  

X-ray inspection can look for cracks, breaks or structural defects caused by mechanical stress or material fatigue.  

X-ray testing can detect inclusions or air pockets in solder joints that can compromise electrical or mechanical integrity.  

X-ray inspection can detect faulty traces or damage to traces that could affect component functionality. 

X-ray inspection allows examination of the internal structure of components such as integrated circuits (ICs) or transistors to ensure they meet specified design requirements.  

Quality assurance in the electronics industry through X-ray inspection and CT    

The quality control requirements of electronics manufacturers vary widely and can be broadly divided into three categories:   

Manufacturers who produce lower volumes or need to check the quality of their products only irregularly require manual systems for testing small batches or individual inspections.  

Medium-volume manufacturers require greater automation of 2D inspection and may also need to regularly check the quality of manufacturing processes using CT scanners.   

In the case of extremely high volumes, for example in series production in the automotive sector, high-performance inline systems with automatic evaluation are required. Using robot loading or integration directly into the production line, the shortest possible cycle times can be achieved.    

Choosing the right system can be complex, and a good decision must weigh many parameters such as size, speed, cost, etc. Contact our product specialists for further advice  


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Contact us today    

Improve the quality and safety of your electronic components with our state-of-the-art X-ray systems and CT systems. Contact us today to learn more about our component material inspection solutions for electronics manufacturers. Our team is always available to answer your questions and develop a customized solution for your needs.  

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