Relevance and trends in the energy industry  

The energy industry saw a growing emphasis on renewable energy, including solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal, to reduce CO2 emissions and provide a sustainable energy supply. Electrification in various sectors such as transport, industry, and heating was a focus to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Likewise, energy storage, energy efficiency, and decentralized energy supply gained importance.    

Digital technologies and smart grids were introduced to optimize energy flow and better integrate renewable energy sources. Green financing and investment in renewables increased, while electromobility had a strong impact on the energy industry. Decarbonization became a major goal for many countries, resulting in the gradual phase-out of coal and petroleum industries. Hydrogen economy was considered as promising approaches to decarbonizing various sectors and making energy supply more sustainable.  



Importance of materials testing in the energy sector    

Materials testing plays a crucial role in the energy industry. It ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of materials and components in energy-generating, transmitting, and storing systems. Testing helps select appropriate materials for specific applications and promotes the efficiency, durability, and maintenance of energy systems. It also contributes to innovation, research of new materials, and protection of the environment. Materials testing is therefore fundamental to the success and progress of the energy industry.  



Use of X-ray technology and CT for materials testing   

 The use of X-ray technology and computed tomography (CT) for materials testing of components in the energy industry offers a variety of benefits and applications. Here are some important aspects:  

  • Non-destructive testing: X-ray technology and CT enable non-destructive testing of components, which means that materials are not damaged during the testing process. This is especially important because many components in the energy industry are expensive and safety-critical.
  • Detection of flaws and defects: X-ray and CT imaging techniques can reveal internal structures of materials and components, allowing defects such as cracks, voids, porosity and irregularities to be detected. This enables accurate assessment of material integrity and helps to identify potential weak points at an early stage.
  • Material analysis and quality control: X-ray and CT technology enables detailed analysis of material composition and properties. This allows material quality and homogeneity to be assessed, which is essential in the energy industry to ensure high component performance and reliability.
  • Testing of complex components: Complex and difficult-to-access components are often used in the energy industry. X-ray technology and CT offer the possibility to screen and examine such components from different angles without disassembling them.
  • Research and development: The application of X-ray and CT technology supports the research and development of new materials and designs for energy-related components. This enables the development of innovative solutions that improve the efficiency and performance of energy systems.
  • Quality assurance in manufacturing: X-ray technology and CT are used in the manufacturing industry to monitor the quality of manufactured components and ensure that they meet the required specifications and standards.

Typical use cases include the inspection of turbine blades and rotor components to check for cracks, material fatigue and other defects that could affect turbine performance and safety. In addition, X-ray and CT systems are used in the research and development of fuel cells and battery technologies to examine the material structure and composition in the cells to optimize performance. In nuclear energy, X-ray and CT systems are used to inspect the structure and integrity of fuel assemblies, reactor pressure vessels, and other components to identify potential defects or deviations. X-ray and CT systems are also used in the wind energy industry to check the quality and integrity of rotor blades, gearboxes and other components.  


Overall, X-ray and CT play an important role in materials testing of components in the energy industry by providing non-destructive and accurate inspection, detecting defects early and thus contributing to the safety, reliability and efficiency of energy-related components.  

Extreme operating conditions
Complex components
Non-uniform materials
Aging and long-term damage
Availability of testing equipment
Norms and standards
Research and development

Meeting these challenges requires close collaboration between engineers, materials scientists and testing laboratories to develop innovative testing methods and continuously improve the safety and efficiency of components in the energy industry.  

Choosing the right partner for your testing system     

The quality control requirements of manufacturers and materials laboratories vary widely and can be roughly divided into three categories:     

Suppliers processing lower volumes require manual systems for small batch or single test inspection. Here, the ECO H-Series is the perfect system family for smaller components.  Medium volume inspection needs require more automation of 2D inspection, CNC systems, and batch loading. Automated data processing becomes more important. In the case of extremely high volumes, for example in series testing, high-performance inline systems with automatic evaluation are required. In this way, the shortest cycle times can be achieved.   Another application is high-precision computed tomography for metrological or forensic applications. These measuring machines must be housed in an air-conditioned measuring room. Choosing the right system can be complex, and a good decision must weigh many parameters such as size, speed, cost, etc. Contact our product specialists for further advice.   


Contact us today    

Improve the quality and safety of your components with our state-of-the-art X-ray systems and CT systems. Contact us today to learn more about our material inspection solutions. Our team is always available to answer your questions and develop a customized solution for your needs.  


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